Russell B. Hill talks with Jay Goninen on Beyond The Wrench about what his mentor taught him about fixed ops marketing. How marketing and emotions go hand-in-hand.
Month: April 2021
DFW Business Podcast with Russell B. Hill
A fun discussion with FixedOps Marketing Co-Founder Russell Hill. We discussed the changes that have taken place in the automotive space, specifically how dealerships manage their service department and how customers can have a better experience. We also discuss a lot about personal growth and development with some extremely high-value points Russell makes.
Beyond the Wrench – Have Enough Customers? Increase Your Lines Per RO P4
You don’t need any more customers? We solve that “problem.” Increase lines per RO through a full service marketing solution for fixed ops!
Beyond the Wrench – Common Issues We See in Fixed Operations Marketing P3
Jay Goninen asks Russell B. Hill (Managing Partner of FixedOPS Marketing) what some common issues are that we see in fixed operations and how we can solve these common issues.