Our advanced tool highlights your edge over local competition with in-offer price comparisons, as well as a landing page featuring video & SEO content with YOUR branding.
Display price comparisons inside select offers
Customizable, dealer-branded landing page with video and a price comparison section that displays up to 5 offers, plus offer and SEO content
Pinpoint up to 15 competitors for you
We shop current competitor pricing and build comparison offers for you
Intelichek-backed accuracy on price comparisons
Available as an add-on to any FOM platform or available as a standalone solution

Offer hyper-competitive pricing. Mystery shop your competitors. Axe low-quality independents with Dare to Compare. This effortless solution pulls price comparison data automatically to offer your customers open and transparent pricing. Target conservative shoppers who check online first. Stop the defectors from leaving the store. All with Dare to Compare.
FixedOPS Marketing is the original video marketing and full-service marketing solution for fixed operations. We offer a variety of SEO, video and couponing solutions that include automated dealership-branded videos, social media automation, email marketing, custom landing pages, transparent multi-channel reporting, Google Business Profile and social media drip campaigns, video SEO, lead generation, conversion tools, and more.
Fully managed. Dedicated support. Complete analytics.
- On-demand custom videos
- Advanced functionality
- SEO solution and more
- Google Business Profile
- Client commitment
Enjoy conversion rates of 20% or more, SEO, and automatic drip campaign integration with Google Business Profile. You’ll also get customized reporting, SEO landing pages, Google Business Profile, video marketing, email marketing, and so much more. All built to live within your existing website.
Fully-managed. Dedicated support. Complete analytics.
- Advanced functionality
- SEO solution and more
- Google Business Profile
- Client commitment
ADVANTAGE customers see an average conversion rate of 20% with 6 online conversion tools: SMS, email, print, directions, online schedule online, call, Apple Wallet, or Google Pay. All FixedOPS Marketing’s products are compatible with any device and include: service and parts specials, slideshow, seasonal offers, online scheduling, call tracking, OEM offers, auto renewal, real reporting, single offer landing pages, and full reporting.
And the best part is – it’s fully managed, with dedicated support and complete analytics.
- Service and Parts Specials
- 6 conversion features
- Client Commitment
What Our Customers Say