Russell B. Hill talks with Jay Goninen about service marketing in fixed ops. What is video service marketing and what makes us different? What problems in fixed ops marketing do with solve with our service technology?
Month: March 2021
4 Ways We Help Increase Lines Per RO
Your service bays may already be filled with plenty of customers, but are you increasing your lines per RO? We hear this a lot, “My service bays are already stuffed to the brim!” We understand that, which is why our goal is to not just fill your service bays, but increase your lines per RO. We understand its importance and effect on your gross profit, employee morale, and bottom line.
We’ve Done It! 150 Clients!
FixedOPS Marketing has reached 150 clients only 14 months after our launch! Thank you to our great partners and dedicated team!
Beyond the Wrench – The Mentor that Changed My Life P5
Jay Goninen speaks with Russell B. Hill about the mentor that changed his life on the Beyond the Wrench podcast!
Beyond the Wrench – The Unfortunate Timing of COVID19
Russell B. Hill chats with Jay Goninen with Beyond the Wrench about the founding of FixedOPS Marketing. It all started with a dream, a dream that unfortunately took fruition during COVID19. How Russell took an idea to a successful company during the greatest pandemic of our lifetimes! Check it out!
Russell B. Hill on Beyond the Wrench
Today, we’re excited to welcome Russell Hill to the podcast. Russell is the Managing Partner at FixedOPS Marketing, which helps car dealerships market their fixed ops departments. In this episode, we discuss how dealerships can improve their websites to attract new service customers.