
Category: Russell B. Hill

Russell HillRussell Hill is a Managing Partner at FixedOPS Marketing. He began his career working as a Salesman at Tyson Buick in 1985. He worked his way up to General Manager at Competition Chrysler Jeep.

Don’t Bore Your Customers | P15 – Beyond the Wrench with Jay Goninen #shorts

Don’t Bore Your Customers | P15 – Beyond the Wrench with Jay Goninen #shorts Don't bore your customers

Jay Goninen with Beyond the Wrench and Russell B. Hill discuss how dealerships can work to not bore their customers when it comes to service marketing.

Fixed Ops 5 Podcast-Corey Smith and Russell B. Hill-Dealership Marketing During Shortages

Fixed Ops 5 Podcast-Corey Smith and Russell B. Hill-Dealership Marketing During Shortages Fixed Ops 5 Podcast - Corey Smith and Russell B. Hill - Dealership Marketing During Shortages

Join Corey Smith with Fixed Ops 5 Podcast as he talks to Russell B. Hill about how to address dealership marketing during widespread shortages, including how a loss of revenue can be made up in the service department, how to increase efficiencies, and how service staff can get more business into their service department.

Coming Soon: Fixed Ops 5 Podcast on Service Department Growth in a Post-Pandemic World

Coming Soon: Fixed Ops 5 Podcast on Service Department Growth in a Post-Pandemic World Fixed Ops 5 with Corey Smith

Your service department may be packed but revenue isn’t increasing. Now you can learn how to increase revenue on your current repair orders in Fixed Ops 5 new podcast!

Marketing for the New Normal with Russell B. Hill and Fixed Ops Mastermind

Marketing for the New Normal with Russell B. Hill and Fixed Ops Mastermind Life Begins at the Edge of Your Comfort Zone - Fixed Ops Mastermind

Life begins at the edge of your comfort zone. Comfort causes complacency. Hear what grit, tenacity, determination and belief can help you achieve in the face of life’s obstacles. Join us as we discuss the difference between luck and goals; how to achieve success in every area of your life; and how mentors and experiences affect positive changes! Listen to the podcast with Fixed Ops Mastermind’s Dave Foy and Russell B. Hill.