
Fixed Ops Marketing Presents

June 6, 2021

11 End-of-Month Time-Savers for Fixed Ops Directors

Saving Fixed Ops Directors Time & Money

11 End-of-Month Time-Savers for Fixed Ops Directors

We’ve collected feedback from our own clients to see how we save them time during their busiest time of the month. 

What do Fixed Ops Directors find most useful as time-savers?

  1. Eliminating tedious and monotonous tasks
  2. Ability to trust a vendor’s service and solution
  3. Capacity to take on tasks during the busiest time of the month 

Below is a list of 10 tips to help you save time and energy during your busiest time of the month.

1) Remove the need to create consistent designs – FixedOPS Marketing offers 6 different style types for service specials so each dealership can choose the look and design for all their service specials that best suits their unique brand.

2) Skip approving new monthly specials – All clients receive an Account Manager who contacts a key staff member from your team each month to verify the status of your current specials. This takes about 30 minutes and requires little to no effort on your part.

Service special designs

3) Skip updating/changing expiration dates on specials – Any changes can be either scheduled automatically or a simple email will get your changes live in a matter of minutes.

4) Remove the task of managing specials yourself – All our service specials are fully managed for you. We automate as much as possible to provide you with as much hands-off relief as possible. We average 20%+ monthly conversion rates.

Alpha Example

5) Save time managing vendor relationships (trust your vendor) – Trusting your vendors to do the job they are hired and promised to do is imperative to the operation of your service department. Responsive, accurate and effective, we pride ourselves on superior customer service and a fixed ops service solution that does exactly what we tell you it does.

6) Skip creating your own seasonal or promotional specials – Seasonal and promotional specials are created by us for you to use as you wish. We design the artwork, the content, and videos that every client is free to use in their online and email marketing campaigns. Because we compile these seasonal and holiday specials, you don’t have to worry about the branding or brand consistency across various marketing channels.

New email marketing template builder for fixed ops

7) Use standard pricing on specials (perceived value) – We’ve pulled feedback from our list of over 150 clients and asked them about their pricing strategy. Surprisingly, we’ve heard that many clients don’t typically mark down pricing for service specials, but rather rely on standard pricing and the perceived value that is offered by their service specials pages. Because the landing pages and the coupons look and operate so well, there is often no need for special pricing to motivate service customers to convert. 

8) Use video to help educate your customers – Video marketing is the most consumed form of media on the internet today. Because of this, we launched a full video marketing platform so each special contains a descriptive video of the service offered. These videos act as educational tools for your customers. Without human intervention, our videos are educating and converting your customers on your behalf, while you can focus on your busy daily schedule. 

YouTube player

9) Use unbiased automated reporting to keep you updated on results – We keep our reporting simple and to the point. We automate the reports you request to have them arrive in your inbox as frequently as you choose. These reports are easy to read, accessible and show you exactly how well your service specials are working. 

Google My Business SEO

10) Provide timely automation to other digital marketing channels – Our basic solution, ADVANTAGE, is so simple and easy to use that we launched other products that take your service content a step further. For instance, we automatically push your specials to Google My Business, increasing your organic traffic and ranking on Google. And, we provide instant publishing of specials and videos to your Facebook and YouTube accounts. Check out PRESTIGE.

Google My Business Interactive Guide

11) Remove the need to build HTML email marketing campaigns – We provide easy email building, so you no longer have to spend hours creating HTML emails for your CRM. A task that used to take several hours per email now only takes a few minutes.

If you think it’d be helpful for you or your service department to save time on the topics addressed here today, contact us and we’ll provide you with a free, 15-minute online demo where you’ll see firsthand how impactful our solution is to your fixed ops department.

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