Properly targeted marketing campaigns have the potential to encourage a sale without service personnel ever directly speaking to a customer. There are marketing opportunities that occur prior to the customers entering the store and after they’ve left. Using the proper target marketing strategies with built-in video marketing, your customers can consume your video content through text, email, website or social media. Training your Service Advisors to use these tools in the service department, as well as educating your customers before and after service visits, will help you increase lines per RO.
For Service Advisors who are timid to overly aggressive, video marketing can greatly help in either putting the consumer at ease or leading them into a sale. Video does the heavy lifting of educating customers on the added benefits or the differences between comparable services. Video can be used to close a sale any time during the sales process, whether that be before the customer arrives or while they are in the waiting room.
Customers that have a positive experience with their service center tend to return at higher rates. In fact, according to a report by DriveSure, 49% of customers would choose to go elsewhere due to a number of factors, the greatest being a bad experience at a dealership. A “bad” experience can be defined in a number of ways, many of which you are innately aware of, such as location and price. You can assume feeling pressured or cornered would also be defined as a “bad” experience. That’s why simply sending your customers a short, educational video of the suggested service can easily be perceived as a thoughtful suggestion rather than a no-options approach.
It’s difficult to remove the human error associated with educating and convincing the customer on a suggested service. Some Service Advisors are great at communicating with customers while others struggle. Adding a marketing component that aids in communicating the features and benefits of service suggestions can easily begin to grow your lines per RO. 80% of technology users are consuming video the majority of the time. Our customers see their conversion rates increase over 20% when they incorporate video into their service department.
These are the ways in which we help you improve your gross profit, employee morale and bottom line.
To learn more tricks and trips in streamlining the customer experience, download one of our helpful guides. And, we’re always here to help with many other fixed ops marketing tools at
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To change an industry, you need BIG IDEAS. Our ideas are HUGE, and our goal is nothing less than completely shattering people’s ideas of what is possible with Service Marketing, and showing them products and solutions that will exceed all expectations while driving your revenue and profit through the roof. Come take a ride with us – this is going to be a fun journey!
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