
Fixed Ops Marketing Presents

December 11, 2019

Russell HIll and Family

I am proud to announce that I am starting FixedOPS Marketing on December 11, 2019. I am so grateful for all of the wonderful years at RnD Interactive and for the integral role you – my clients and friends – have played in our mutual success. I want to invite you to join me in this exciting new chapter. 

At FixedOPS Marketing, we are embarking on an exciting journey to change how car dealerships market their Fixed Operations departments. Dealership’s futures are tied to their success at attracting new service customers, creating more marketing efficiency, and re-claiming customers and revenue from independent service centers. 

The time for innovative Fixed Operations marketing solutions is now.

Many of you have known me for decades, from my time selling cars in Dallas in the 80’s and 90’s, to selling CRMs, to selling Specials with RnD Interactive for the last 9 years. It’s been a journey. My goal has always been, and always will be, to create solutions that make you money while making your life easier.

We’re going to do great things together, and I look forward to continuing this journey together.

Sincerely yours,

Russell B. Hill

Russell provided automotive marketing services for our company for several years. Our experience with Russell was excellent. He always follows through to make sure that our people were getting the full use of his services. Russell provides good value and has excellent product knowledge, keeping up with changes in technology.Frank Grese, Senior Vice President of Human Resources, Training, and Operations Support at Group 1 Automotive

Contact: marketing@fixedopsmarketing.com

About FixedOPS Marketing

FixedOPS Marketing is a dealership service specials provider focused on providing marketing software and support to the Fixed Operations Departments of Car Dealerships and Independent Service Centers in the United States and Canada. The innovators behind FixedOPS recognized the value of offering dealership service departments and repair centers deals and coupons structured with modern technology and functionality, suited for the modern consumer. Our innovative products give our consumers the ability to push their offers directly to consumers in the form of sharable deals, social media and SEM, and unique video production offers. 

Say Hello to the FixedOPS Team




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