
Fixed Ops Marketing Presents

Are You Ready for Digital Dealer, Las Vegas? (October 2023)

August 10, 2023

EVs, AI, and the Future of Fixed Operations - Digital Dealer October 2023

Digital Dealer – October 2023

Workshop: EVs, AI, and the Future of Fixed Operations

with Russell B. Hill

You’re invited to the session: “EVs, AI, and the Future of Fixed Operations.” Together, we will unravel the immense potential of AI and EVs and how they are seamlessly integrated into the automotive landscape and fixed operations, changing the industry (in many helpful ways).

This session is a gateway to a data-driven decision-making transformation without diving into overly technical data behind the scenes. Join me on October 17, 2023, from 2:10-3:40 at Digital Dealer Las Vegas for an informative 90-minute deep-dive. Witness the unparalleled synergy of AI and electric vehicles, reshaping the automotive industry’s future.

To witness AI’s prowess in action, I will demonstrate real-world examples of how it significantly improves the management of parts, elevating fill rates from 60% to an impressive 90%. With the ability to predict part failures, anticipate price trends, and manage inventory accurately, AI proves its worth, saving dealers a shocking amount of time and money. You’ll be amazed at the transformative impact it has on fixed ops departments today.

Read the article.

Visit the session page.


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