
Fixed Ops Marketing Presents

January 9, 2025

Digital Dealer Tampa

Digital Dealer Tampa 2022


The Fixed Ops Director’s Guide to Increased Productivity

Breakout Session

WHAT: Join us for a presentation at Digital Dealer on “The Fixed Ops Director’s Guide to Productivity

WHO: Managing Partner, Russell B. Hill and CMO, Charity Dunning of FixedOPS Marketing

WHEN: May 10th at 2:30

WHERE: Tampa, FL – Digital Dealer

CONTENT: It’s easy to fall into a rut! Sales are stagnating, your staff lacks motivation, and day-to-day, month-to-month, not a whole lot improves. You can change that! If you’re a manager in fixed operations, this workshop is for you. Join this session to uncover cover tips and techniques to motivate your team members to sell, increase customer loyalty, and grow the revenue of your fixed ops department through modern marketing methods that anyone can employ.

You’ll learn how to motivate your team through daily goal setting and incentive programs, and explore easy-to-use tools that your team members can use to help them upsell and decrease declined services. Even your shyest staff will be able to compete on a daily basis. You will learn how to improve customer loyalty and increase returning visitors through consumer loyalty programs, getting new and returning customers into your service department, and how those customers will bring you more new customers with more lines per RO.

The session will discuss retention rates and the cost comparison of new customer acquisition to returning customers. The effect of retention programs not only increases your monthly profits but even trickles down to improve your CSI scores.

Join this session, and get inspired to take your service department to the next level.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  1. Plan team goals and competition to prepare your team members to increase sales
  2. Develop customer loyalty programs to grow the loyalty of your customer base
  3. Prepare customer referrals and repeat business through rewards programs


  • Customer Loyalty Programs and Rewards Programs
  • Make it Easy to Convert Online
  • Use Video Marketing
  • Encourage Upselling through Team Goals and Competition
  • Improve Your Customer Journey
  • Offer Value to Your Customers
  • Communicate with your Customers Online
  • Incentivize Social Media Engagements
  • Are Your Efforts Paying Off?

Plus, hear from current Fixed Ops Directors and how they are applying these skills in their service departments right now, and the results they see from it.


Use my code 100SPKTLV1, you will get $100 off your pass!


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